Journey Towards Wellness
When you enroll for slimming services with VLCC, you not only embark on a journey to good health and a fit body, but are also put on the path to complete wellness. With a thorough wellness analysis being part of all our slimming programs, many of our clients discovered the fact that their weight gain was either a result of, or accompanied by uncontrolled medical conditions such as Hypertension, Hypothyroid, PCOS, Diabetes, Hyperinsulinemia, Arthritis, etc.
Each month more than 28,000 clients enroll with VLCC. Out of these only 31 % are aware of their medical status of high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, or high sugar levels, which are all warning signs of obesity-associated disorders. Our clients who experience slow weight loss or exhibit symptoms of associated medical conditions are generally asked to get relevant medical tests done. This practice has helped many realize and discover their hidden medical conditions such as hypertension, hypothyroid, PCOS, diabetes, hyperinsulinemia, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, anemia, hyperprolactinemia, gall stones and at times even multiple problems, which need immediate medical attention. The wellness program is then customized according to their medical conditions.
During the program, our highly qualified professionals also consult and interact with the family physician of the clients. This not only helps in coordinating wellness procedures with other treatments, but also helps effectively manage the conditions. Due to our continued efforts, holistic approach and diagnosis, early intervention has been possible in a number of cases and medical conditions have been managed at an initial level. From our immense treasure of information, we share below a few case studies of our esteemed clients. All of these exceptional individuals suffered from different health concerns. We catalogue their stories herein for the benefit of our readers, with the hope that they shall be a guiding force for you to understand and chalk out a plan for yourself on the journey towards Wellness.
Effective weight loss for obese women with PCOS not only improves their hormonal condition, but also reduces insulin sensitivity, regulates menstrual function and improves fertility rate. VLCC offers a program amalgamative of physical exercise, specialized therapies and skin rejuvenation programs (as PCOS clients are more prone to acne) to assist in weight loss and hormone regulation. Functional foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are suggested to PCOS clients, who are at an increased risk of developing heart diseases, as these are one of the dietary recommendations.
Our team of professionals offers their combined expertise to provide relief from weight issues while integrating therapies for either of the conditions. We recommend a wellness program that offers weight loss by combining the right amount of strengthening and weight bearing exercises, co-ordination and balance techniques, specialized therapies for muscle toning and skin firming as well as analgesic therapies for joint pains and combating the effects of ageing.