A FIT INDIVIDUAL…A FIT CORPORATE…A FIT ECONOMY…A FITTER NATION – A healthy corporate reflects the well-being of a nation, and quality of human capital is an important contributor to the growth of any corporate.
Preventive health care holds enormous promise for the competitiveness of companies and for the country’s economy in the global arena. In an era when the service sector is gaining pre-eminence, the value of the individual employee has increased more than ever before. Employees with specialized skills are the focal point, on whose well-being and performance the productivity of a company rests. In our bid to spread the message of preventive health care, VLCC has formulated a ‘Corporate Wellness Program’, where we reach out to various executives working in a Corporate and do a complete wellness check, and guide them to lead a healthy lifestyle.
VLCC Corporate Wellness Program, a stairway to a worksite wellness would benefit your organization by:
- Decreased rates of illness and injuries
- Reduced employee absenteeism
- Improved employee relations and morale.
- Increased productivity
As part of this program, we would be evaluating the wellness quotient of all the executives working in your organization, and bring awareness on the benefits of healthy living by group as well as personalized activities/counseling.