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VLCC Pain Management

VLCC Pain Management is a very specialized programme that helps to relieve the pain and its complication which normally happens due to obesity and sedentary lifestyle.

VLCC Pain Management programme consist of complete assessment that includes the present and past medical history, investigation and report, motor and sensory examination. This all will help to find the probable diagnosis and that leads to correct treatment and its management.

VLCC pain management includes the treatment of -

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Knee pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Back pain
  • Posture related pain
  • Cervical pain
  • Ankle pain
  • Muscular pain and stiffness
  • Neurological pain
  • Sports injury

Based on the assessment and probable diagnosis our expert physiotherapist formulate the treatment plan that includes the short term goal [reduce the pain, stiffness, swelling and day to day suffering] and long term goal [prevent the deformity, dependency]. This leads to healthy and quality life.

  • Knee: Knee is one of the most weight bearing joint. Due to excessive weight, wear and tear happens very fast that leads to problem in walking, sitting, stair climbing and many more.
  • Shoulder: Shoulder joint is one of the most complex and dynamic joint which is made up of 3 bones like clavicle, scapula and humorous and well supported by muscles, ligaments and tendons.
  • Posture: Posture is an essential component of optimal human design. Posture is the position in which our body hold upright position against the gravity while standing, sitting or lying down. Posture is determined by the alignment of the spine. When the posture is distorted, it causes stress to the spinal cord and spinal nerve which leads to stress.
  • Spine: Spine is one of the most complex joint of our body. It provides the structure that enables us to stand, move, bend and twist. It also provide strong protection to the spinal cord which is the main pathway connecting the brain to the nervous system. Due to obesity especially the central obesity leads to excessive pressure on the spine that results into wear and tear of the spine and disc.
  • Ankle: Ankle joint is one of the most weight bearing joint of the lower body. It is well formed by the bones supported by ligaments and tendons.


Our approach to the pain and its problem is multidirectional. Apart from the specific physiotherapy pain treatment, we also approach through the specific diet, lifestyle modification and specialized therapeutic massage that results in improving the pain and its complication.

Please visit the nearest VLCC centre and get more details on VLCC pain management programme.

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